Types of Doctors
Types of Doctors
After you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, your world will seem as if it’s full of doctors. You’ll have an appointment with one type of doctor on one day, perhaps another the next day, and maybe even another a few days later…all in the course of perhaps a week.
While all the doctors will undoubtedly have your best interests in mind, understanding exactly what each one does can be confusing to the new cancer patient. Here’s a list of specialists you’ll probably encounter before and after your diagnosis.
General Practitioner
This is your everyday doctor…the one you see when you have a cold or flu or when you’ve sprained your ankle. He or she will most likely be the first person you turn to for answers about any symptoms you might be experiencing. Your general practitioner will ask questions about your medical history, gauge your workplace exposure to asbestos, examine your symptoms, and do an overall preliminary check-up. If he/she suspects cancer, you will be referred to the next doctor.
An oncologist is a cancer specialist. This doctor will go a few steps further to determine an accurate diagnosis. He may suggest CT scans, MRIs, or conventional x-rays, will probably test pulmonary function, or may order a biopsy. When tests are completed, if cancer is confirmed, it is the oncologist who will determine the next step. If he believes the cancer is operable, you will be referred to a surgeon. If not, the oncologist will suggest chemotherapy, radiation, or some alternative form of treatment. The oncologist provides ongoing follow-up care throughout the treatment process, suggesting new courses of action when appropriate.
Radiologists are in charge of administering x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. If your oncologist prescribes radiation therapy as part of your course of treatment, a radiologist will administer this treatment as well.
Pulmonary Therapist
A pulmonary therapist is a lung specialist who monitors the effects of mesothelioma on the patient’s respiratory system. Because breathing can become quite difficult as mesothelioma progresses, the pulmonary therapist will provide treatments and devices to ease your breathing and make you more comfortable. You will probably see the pulmonary therapist quite often.
Dealing with mesothelioma is equally as taxing on your mental health as it is on your physical health. Depression, anxiety, denial, guilt, and a host of other emotions will no doubt become a part of your daily routine. A psychologist can help you sort out your feelings and cope with your diagnosis. Many psychologists are specifically trained to work with cancer patients.
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